There is nothing like the "I have got mine, but you are not allowed to have yours" attitude, is there!
underlining is mine.. march 6, 2012 letter.
pursue divine education:some of our brothers are pursuing higher education, feeling that they can acquire a measure of financial security.
as you are aware, the educational system varies from country to country.
There is nothing like the "I have got mine, but you are not allowed to have yours" attitude, is there!
let's have the ultimate discussion on "higher education.
" let's talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly.
The downside is the student loans. They are crushing me and have ruined my credit rating. Had I gone to university when I was young my life would be so much better now. I hate the religion for preventing me from doing that.
There are certain limitations to the cliche "It is never too late".
I would have liked to have attempted the four year Bachelor course. However, tackling that part time (as I would have to do), by the time I graduated it would have little or no impact on my career. (I would be happy enough to go on working in the engineering field until I was well into my seventies - but my wife has got other ideas that I need to consider!)
underlining is mine.. march 6, 2012 letter.
pursue divine education:some of our brothers are pursuing higher education, feeling that they can acquire a measure of financial security.
as you are aware, the educational system varies from country to country.
In this as in a lot of other JW matters, favoritism is revealed here.
I personally know of one prominent elder who sent his son through the Bachelor of Engineering course as far back as the mid-1970s
(when the WTS anti-education stance was particularly strong), yet still retained his position as an elder. Furthermore, the son, in his turn, was appointed as an elder not too many years later.
I am not for a moment suggesting that this young man should not have gone to university. You could almost say he was a natural; he is certainly a highly regarded electrical engineer to this day.
However, I often wonder how these two get on when "counselling" others in the congregation about the "evils of higher education." Do they feel compelled to regurgitate the party line (making them hypocrites), or do they secretely tell people "go for it, anyway"?
let's have the ultimate discussion on "higher education.
" let's talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Narcissistic Supply,
You just expressed my feelings totally, but without adhering to the forum guidelines as to language, that I felt constrained by!
let's have the ultimate discussion on "higher education.
" let's talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Left high school with what used to be called "University Entrance." Was selected by a large organisation as part of a group that they were prepared to sponsor through the Bachelor of Engineering course. That would have required one further year of high school. However, none of this ever happened, as the elders had some sway over my parents (non-JWs, but at that time were "studying" with a pioneer couple). Instead, I commenced an apprenticeship as a telecommincations technician.
However, that, too wasn't good enough for the local elders, who made me abandon my apprenticeship after 12 months - to get set up for "the full time ministry."
Fortunately, I was later able to take up my trade training again:
- not exactly in the same field I had started out in, but at least in a trade with something in common.
Formal Qualifications:
(i) Licensed Electrician (The Australian States of Queensland ,Tasmania and South Australia - plus also Papua New Guinea and New Zealand)
(ii) Certificate of Engineering (City & Guilds)
These were enough to get me into the Electrical Testing side of the trade, which was the one that interested me the most. With the experience I then gained through working at the testing and commissioning of large power plants , I was later able to work my way into a senior management role. However - and this is a big however - that was only possible by electing to live in some violence prone Third World country:
- the same position in Australia (or similar countries) would require at leasta Bachelor of Engineering degree.
Currently employed on a large mining site, looking after the High Voltage infrastructure. My previous industry experience was enough to get me the job. However, I am now having to gain formal engineering qualifications in order to retain it. Since August, I have been enrolled on an online course in engineering, which will lead to an Advanced Diploma, plus membership of the Institute of Engineers.
The often-repeated, glib remark that it is "never too late" is true enough as far as it goes (I proved that by completing an adult apprenticeship as a married man with three young children). However, like most other glib statements, this one also does not quite go far enough! An adult apprenticeship was rough going, very hard on my family, and outright destructive on my marriage. The online course, too, after putting in (what is for me) a typical eleven hour workday does require, shall we say, certain sacrifices!
To any young persons lurking here, don't do what I did. While it is possible to pick it up later, you are saving yourself a lot of grief by entering the degree course straight from high school.
PS: And #!^& the JW religion that takes on themselves to bash education and frighten their young peolpe of a college education !
this morning's wt study almost made me vomit, stand up, pick up my bag and rush to the door.. of course it never happened.
instead, i was able to make some nice drawings on my tablet and notepad.. if you replace the name jehovah with watchtower, or the governing 8 men, it would really make sense.. what's up with all that nonstop guilt-mongering about education and having a decent job?!.
most people look down on the uneducated, and i remember, when i didn't have a job, nobody cared!.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite,
Thanks for posting that link. I haven't read a Watchtower in over 19 years, and I can see that I am not missing anything!
(PS: The expression "They ought to be shot with a ball of their own $h!# comes to mind here!)
i seem to recall that two sets of "questions" were put out in 1976, following the failure of the 1975 prediction.. anyway, here is the scan of one that i have; hopefully others can tell me the background.. i have made it available at:. .
I remember those very well.
In fact, I had only been married a few weeks in 1977 when my wife got hold of one of those "Questions" sheets. That then proceeded to cause the very first crisis in our marriage!
We never did learn who wrote them, though. The last ever heard about this matter was from a Circuit Overseer, who assured us that "The Society was carrying out an investigation as to who had wriiten those 'questions'."
this morning's wt study almost made me vomit, stand up, pick up my bag and rush to the door.. of course it never happened.
instead, i was able to make some nice drawings on my tablet and notepad.. if you replace the name jehovah with watchtower, or the governing 8 men, it would really make sense.. what's up with all that nonstop guilt-mongering about education and having a decent job?!.
most people look down on the uneducated, and i remember, when i didn't have a job, nobody cared!.
Sounds very similar to my experience when I was 17, when the retards elders told me to abandon my apprenticeship. (Similar crap about "spirituality").
However, unlike your husband, I listened to them.
Somehow I manged to resume that in my mid-twenties, but it was rough going - particularly for my family.
As you say, what right have they got to say such things to people.
this weekend, 15 years after work began, the church of scientologyopened its new "super power building", complete with time machine a mediterranean revival-style palace in clearwater, florida..... .
please, what do you think about the comparision?
who would be winner?.
Given the choice of having to choose between Scientology and the JWs:
- I would rather commit suicide instead!
(An opinion based entirely on experience, having once had dealings with a breakaway group from the Scientologists. No bloody way!)
the subject of feeling nervous came up in sfpw recent thread
it reminded me of a sister i knew.
you always knew when you got to the meeting if she had a talk that night.
When I first enrolled on the TMS, I had a serious problem with shyness:
-so yes, I was very nervous!
In the end, though, not at all - a situation that has continued to this day, over 19 years since I bade that lot goodbye.
i.e. speaking in front of hundreds of people (like I sometimes have to do) fazes me not at all.
Reluctant as I am to give my time with the JWs any credit at all, I would have to admit that the TMS played a major part in me overcoming that awful shyness that once plagued me - in fact almost crippled me.